Monday, June 30, 2008


Philadelphia Ben Franklin Bridge. Isn't it pretty at night?

... so this is where I want to retire, some nameless tropical paradise with white sand beaches, blue skies and calm turquoise water. I can see myself in one of those chairs...

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Sunday, June 29, 2008

This is an eastern male bluebird. And I really couldn't care less. I just think h
e's pretty contrasted against those flowers!

Gates like this always make me wonder what's on the other side. And why can't I go in?

Looking out from the lobby of an inn in Tucson. It might be called the Tucson Inn, I have no idea. Isn't it gorgeous?

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Saturday, June 28, 2008

Here are a few of my favorite things, images t
hat appeal to me, in mosaic form.


Babies can fall asleep anywhere.

Friday, June 27, 2008

My daughter teases me and tells people "My Mom likes to search for other people's vacation pictures." She's partly right. But the reason is less pathetic than she makes it sound. Some people just take some fabulous travel pics! These happen to be from Italy.

This is a shop window in Venice. Love the diamond shapes with all the colors behind.

Italy has so many beautiful cathedrals, this one is in Florence. If you click on the photo - look at the incredible detail. Amazing!

A beautiful flower in front of the cloisters of the Basilica of San Paolo Fuori le Mura in Rome. Just saying the name sounds musical and magical.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

The angles are fabulous and so dramatic! There is no ambiguity here, either you on are one side or you are on the other.

I have had this photo for a long time and I have always been drawn to the colors and the contrast between the bags and the fruit. Lovely, really.

At least it was a pretty earthquake!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

I don't care where this is but I want to be there. Just to walk on that fine sand, feeling hot beneath my feet, to feel the slight breeze tousle my hair, yeah. That's vacation.

This is Machu Pichu, a picture for the adventurer I wish I was.

And this? This takes away any ugliness there might be in my day. Beautiful, isn't it?

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

What the ... ?

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Monday, June 23, 2008

I know the feeling.